The new Every Sacred Sunday journals launched today! Every Sacred Sunday is a Mass journal that offers readings for each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, along with a space to journal after each week’s readings. Their mission is to invite us into a deeper relationship with Christ through spreading the beauty of His Living Word.
Journaling is something that I have felt called to do for years. And delving deeper into Mass readings is something I need to do! I’m excited to start recording down the thoughts from my heart and mind each week, while at the same time focusing on the study of Scripture.
Every Sacred Sunday follows the liturgical year. The book starts with the First Sunday of Advent (December 1, 2019) and ends on Sunday, November 22, 2020. One of my favorite parts about the book is the inside cover that contains different prayers, ranging from the Penitential Act we say at Mass to the Act of Contrition. Christie and Kassie, the creators of Every Sacred Sunday, thought of every detail and it is beautiful!
This journal is a powerful way to grow deeper in your faith this Liturgical Year. It is the perfect gift for yourself or someone you love. You can order your green or tan journal HERE!
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Tune into the Finding Philothea Podcast where my husband, Mike, and I share the mercy, beauty, and joy of a life lived for Christ.