Meet Claire  →

I am a wife and mother that is passionate about sharing content that helps us each live a beautiful and virtuous life. As an etiquette instructor, I love to seek out the beautiful things that surround us. You can often find me making a meal with my husband, building LEGOs with my son, and reading a good book - all in a beautiful dress! Thank you for being a part of this community, I am so happy you are here!

Hello, I’m Claire!


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Insights on Literature, etiquette, and Beauty from a Catholic wife and mom

I always look forward to new beginnings. A few hours before this New Year, I took time to reflect on the past year and set some goals for 2021. I was thankful for some time to go into this year with intention and focus. It made me excited for the next twelve months that are ahead.

When I was reflecting on 2020, one of my favorite things about it was fasting from social media for Lent. Though it sounds like a small sacrifice, it really transformed that season and I am still seeing the fruits of it. After some prayer, I decided to go into this New Year fasting from social media for the month. It’s only been three days and I am more focused in all I do, accomplishing so much, and giving my undivided attention to the people around me. I really can’t recommend fasting from social media enough! If a month or liturgical season seems too intimidating, try an afternoon, or a day! I promise you, you will see the beautiful fruit of it in all arenas of your life!

Before I share my goals for the month here are the things I want to accomplish this year:

January 2021 Goals

  • Successfully complete our Whole30.
  • Finish all the books on my January booklist.
  • Fast from social media.
  • Stay faithful to my daily prayer no matter how I feel.
  • Complete our Consecration to Saint Joseph.
  • Workout first thing in the morning.
  • Work with Peter on his pre-school lessons Monday – Friday.
  • Learn Final Cut Pro.
  • Finish recording our dating series for our podcast!
  • Organize a list of winter-friendly crafts to do with Peter.

What are your resolutions for 2021 and goals for this month? I would love to hear!

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Tune into the Finding Philothea Podcast where my husband, Mike, and I share the mercy, beauty, and joy of a life lived for Christ.



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