We recently had our friend, Father Dave, over for dinner. As we were in the kitchen finishing the preparations for dinner, he asked me what I love most about being a mother. Since that evening, I have been reflecting upon what it means to be a mother, what I love most about motherhood, and what kind of mother I desire to be. From the moment I found out I was pregnant last September, my heart has changed dramatically. Here are ten reasons I love being a mother.
- I love how much my heart has grown. Peter has opened up a corner of my heart I never knew existed. The love I have for Peter is a love I have never experienced before.
- I love how my love for Mike has increased. This took me by surprise namely because I didn’t think it was possible that I could love Mike more! Yet when a man becomes a father, there is an intrinsic change. It is a privilege to be Mike’s wife and to witness how he has grown as a person because of fatherhood. Each time I see Mike with Peter, or even think of him as a father, I fall deeper in love with him!
- I love how my priorities have changed. My focus throughout each day is a person. It’s not an object, or a career, or a place to be – it is a person. My goal everyday is bringing that person closer to God. Everything I do and say must help Peter grow in holiness.
- I love living for someone else. Mike has taught me true selflessness in our marriage; he is the most noble person I know. Both marriage and motherhood has taught me the beauty and joy of living a sacrificial life.
- I love how I participated in creation. I am filled with wonder every time I reflect upon this! I have all of Peter’s sonogram pictures saved and I love looking at them, seeing each stage of his life. It amazes me that he spent nine months growing inside me and that I helped nourish and protect him.
- I love nursing Peter and seeing him grow. As difficult as it is to get up multiple times each night to feed Peter, deep down I love it. I will always treasure these night feedings. Hearing his movements on the monitor, going into his nursery, picking him up, cuddling in his chair, rocking him and holding him close to my heart, and feeding him until he goes back to sleep. I love that special quiet time with him and will carry these moments in my heart, always.
- I love seeing the joy Peter brings people. I love watching people light up when they see Peter. One of my greatest joys as a mother has been witnessing our family and close friends meet Peter for the first time. My mother was there when Peter was born, and I will never forget her holding him for the first time. Hearing my father talk to Peter, and seeing my siblings play with him is incredible.
- I love hearing Peter’s voice and laugh. It is the absolute sweetest sound! I remember hearing his heartbeat for the first time during an ultrasound when I was pregnant, and his laugh is the fulfillment of that first beat I heard so many months ago.
- I love how I finally feel fully myself. I am living out who I was created to be. Ever since I can remember I always desired the next thing in life and I was not completely content. As a mother I know my purpose, I live my vocation, and I realize that grace is in the present moment with Mike and Peter.
- I love that I want more babies because of Peter. He has been giving Mike and me baby fever! I have a deep desire in my heart to be a mother, and I cannot wait for another one!

– C