Meet Claire  →

I am a wife and mother that is passionate about sharing content that helps us each live a beautiful and virtuous life. As an etiquette instructor, I love to seek out the beautiful things that surround us. You can often find me making a meal with my husband, building LEGOs with my son, and reading a good book - all in a beautiful dress! Thank you for being a part of this community, I am so happy you are here!

Hello, I’m Claire!


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Insights on Literature, etiquette, and Beauty from a Catholic wife and mom

It’s been a busy few months and we are really looking forward to this Fall. One of our goals is to spend more time together as a family. This summer was a difficult one (I think for most people!) and we are eagerly welcoming this new season! I have my lists of Autumn activities to do with Peter and I want to get (at least one!) date in with Mike!

We are SO CLOSE to launching Moscati Scrubs pre-sales on Kickstarter! I’m finalizing details, contacting all the suppliers to confirm current fabric and notion supplies, and am working on the Kickstarter page! My goal is to end the Kickstarter on Saint Giuseppe Moscati’s Feast Day, November 16th!

On the weekends, we have been working on a few house projects. A few weeks ago Mike and I painted our room and this past weekend we painted my office and tore up the carpet. This weekend we are hoping to put down the flooring – something neither of us have done before!  I’ve been finding a lot of inspiration for office spaces on Pinterest and I can’t wait to see the room come together!

For the past few months, I’ve been working with Peter on pre-school lessons. We use a combination of two curriculums, Habitat Schoolhouse and ‘26 Letters to Heaven.’ We both really look forward to our lesson time together. We are half way through the alphabet and I’m considering purchasing and starting the Kindergarten curriculum once this one is done!

I’ve been partnering with some beautiful Catholic shops and I wanted to share the links, along with some discounts, with you! I’m also including my favorite item from each shop!

The Little Catholic code ‘CLAIRE10’ (Sacred Heart Necklace)
Be A Heart Design code ‘FP10’ (Marian Scrunchie)
My Saint My Hero code ‘findingphilothea’ (Benedictine Blessing Bracelet)
Blessed Is She Shop (Saint Michael Prayer Poster)

October 2020 Goals

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Tune into the Finding Philothea Podcast where my husband, Mike, and I share the mercy, beauty, and joy of a life lived for Christ.



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