We are mostly settled in our house and having so much fun making it into a home. There are a few more projects that we want to accomplish before Winter. Each week we are slowly making progress on our to-do lists.
Last weekend we harvested our first frame of honey! It was so exciting! We have two beehives, one struggled all season, but our other hive is flourishing! When we checked on our hives the other day we were able to harvest more honey and add a second honey super to it! The honey is delicious and it is so beautiful to see the hard work from this season come to fruition! We are taking a class on how to winterize beehives soon. I love that there is so much to learn about our bees – we are so thankful to be surrounded by such skilled and experienced beekeepers in our area. Each time we visit our hives we see and learn something new, too!
We are making so much progress with Moscati Scrubs! Sustainable and eco-friendly fabric swatches are continuing to arrive each week and I am narrowing down my favorite choices. You can follow along our journey here and here!
Though her Feast Day was yesterday, I still wanted to share the post I wrote about Saint Thérèse of Lisieux for the Blessed Is She blog. It is one of my favorite pieces I have written and I loved sharing my Saint Thérèse miracle! You can read the post by clicking here!
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