I am a wife and mother that is passionate about sharing content that helps us each live a beautiful and virtuous life. As an etiquette instructor, I love to seek out the beautiful things that surround us. You can often find me making a meal with my husband, building LEGOs with my son, and reading a good book - all in a beautiful dress! Thank you for being a part of this community, I am so happy you are here!
Hello, I’m Claire!
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Insights on Literature, etiquette, and Beauty from a Catholic wife and mom
Happy New Year! I love new beginnings! We kept our resolutions simple this year, with the focus on our family and health. We are resolved to workout each week with BBG, pray a daily rosary, and keep the promises we make to ourselves. After finishing the book, ‘One Thousand Gifts‘ I realize the importance of living in the present and giving thanks for both the joys and sorrows that make up my daily life. That’s been my goal each day, something that I want to strive for during the remainder of this new year, to rejoice and give thanks for all the gifts bestowed upon me.
January 2019 Family Goals
Continue reading ‘33 Days to Merciful Love‘. This is our second time praying this retreat and consecration together! It is an amazing book!
Celebrate my friends and their babies by hosting a shower! If you are on the hunt for some ethically made items to gift a new mother of a baby girl, THIS POSTis for you!
Decorate my new home office space!
Create a weekly meal plan each Sunday and stick to it.
Fold (and put away!) the laundry immedietly after it is dry. I know this one sounds silly, but the clean laundry was piling up these past few weeks and I’ve been trying to stay on it!
Register for Peter’s weekly gym class. We took a few months off from attending, and he keeps asking to go!
Tune into the Finding Philothea Podcast where my husband, Mike, and I share the mercy, beauty, and joy of a life lived for Christ.
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