I love being cozy inside our home, but I also love being out and about! Mike always teases me by asking where I am bringing Peter each day. Finding that balance of indoor and outdoor activities with Peter this winter has been a goal of mine. Not only do I want to show him the beauty of the world, but I also love how refreshed I feel after getting out of the house. I want to protect him during flu season and from the harsh cold, yet I also know the importance of getting out and being active with him!
I came up with a list of baby-friendly family outings for the winter months. Peter will be eight months old next week and loves to be out of his stroller whenever we are out, so I made sure to include some activities where he is able to crawl around and explore! Even something as simple as visiting our neighborhood’s park for a few minutes on a mild winter day feels amazing to do! I would love to hear what your favorite family winter activities are!
Twelve Baby-Friendly Family Winter Outing Ideas
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