There is nothing that could have completely prepared me to be a parent. Yet there are experiences, tools, and insights that helped in aiding me to parent as best as possible. These three books profoundly changed my life, and in turn, these three books changed my family. I felt so called to share these books with you all, hoping that they can change your life and your family for the better.
I write this post specifically for mothers, but I write it also for fathers, leaders, teachers, priest, religious – truly anyone who is in contact with children. Mike has read these books alongside me, and he has gained so much wisdom and insight from them. I recommend reading these books with your spouse.
Run to get these books! I am linking each one to a site you can purchase them through. Start reading them as soon as possible. If you are in any way feeling overwhelmed or emotionally tired, or if you are questioning your purpose and path to heaven through motherhood, read these books. They have helped me not only in my role as mother, but in every single relationship I have.
Three Books Every Mother Should Read
Mothers – your vocation is incredible, it is the heart of the home and the heart of society. It is holy, good, and beautiful. If you have chosen marriage and motherhood as your vocation, it is your path to heaven! I guarantee, if you read these three books and take the words that are written in them to heart and put them into practice – they will help you reach our heavenly home.
– C
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