This year gives us something special when it comes to Advent. We have a whole week to prepare between the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas! Some years, the Fourth Sunday feels overlooked, a hurdle to overcome to get to the joy of Christmas. It is perfect that this year, we can slow down and reflect on the Annunciation of Our Lord, which is when the Angel Gabriel came to Mary to reveal the plans God had for her.
Let’s take a look at Joseph, though. I am sure he was looking forward to his wedding day with great excitement. Then he finds out that Mary is with Child, and his world seems to turn upside down. He is ready to divorce her quietly (always quietly – Joseph is the embodiment of manliness! Gentle, certain, always a man of action – he is not recorded as saying a single word in the Bible). Yet God comes to him in the present moment, and he places his trust in God, taking Mary into his home as his wife.
We are often looking to the next big thing in our lives. It can be as simple as getting through the week of a big test or project due at work, or it can be the constant bombardment of paraphernalia for the next holiday from commercials and retail stores. I am glad to not be rushed into Christmas this year – God always meets us in the present moment. May God Bless you and the Blessed Mother watch over you.
– M
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