The year I turned sixteen and got my license, it was my job to bring my four younger siblings to pick out a Christmas Tree. Though some years were scary driving in the snow with a tree on top of a van full of kids, overall I absolutely loved it! I was so excited last year for Mike to pick out and cut down his first real Christmas Tree! I was three months pregnant and we were living in Maryland. We drove to a beautiful tree farm and spent about an hour picking out the perfect tree, and another hour cutting it down and driving it home.
One of the things I was so excited to do this year was pick out a tree with Peter! This afternoon we ran a few errands, grabbed some warm drinks, and drove to Treehaven Evergreen Nursery together. I put Peter in his ring sling and snuggled up close to him as we explored the Nursery for his first Christmas tree! The man who worked there was so friendly! We ended up picking out a small tree near the entrance of the Nursery. We love it and cannot wait to decorate it!
Thanks to our tree, it smells amazing in our house! We are about to make it smell even better by baking some oranges to make a garland. This is such a special time of year, it brings us so much joy making new traditions as a family of three!
– C
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